Saturday, June 2, 2012

Very lazy Saturday....quite under the weather. I think it is a bit of a bug that Richard had and passed along to me, and a bit of my Crohn's. All in all, I'm just pretty much semi-comatose. Add to that some opium for my Crohns, and I'm toast.

It's a beautiful day out too. We decided to stay in Smyrna for the weekend, instead of heading to Salisbury. We've been there the past three weekends in a row, and since we moved the realtor open house to July, we have some time to get everything done, which was a huge weight off our shoulders.

Our nest of four baby robins is empty; the babies have all survived and flown away! They were just so cute, the way they'd just stare back at you when I'd come up to see them several times a day. Figures, the one nest I could reach from the ground was the one where no birdies needed rescuing from :)

I love spring, and I hate it at the same time, as it can just be so so cruel. Seeing anything suffer just absolutely haunts me, especially something small and innocent. Small children and helpless animals.